Table of Contents



Beyond Images
Palace of Te at the Finger Tips
by Loretta Secchi

Current Events
The School We Want

by Alberto Borghi
A Lesson of Love
di Silvia Colombini

New Horizons of Hope

by Rodolfo Cattani
Competition and Solidarity
by Federico Bartolomei
Touching with the Eyes...
Seeing with the Hands...

by Loretta Secchi
Freedom to Travel

by Rodolfo Cattani

The School of Music G.B. Martini
Today a Conservatory
by Maria Chiara Mazzi

Professionalism and Solidarity

by Federico Bartolomei
Voluntary Service and Cooperation
by Federico Bartolomei

What Animal is Hiding in You?

by Irene Schiff
The Romagna of the Malatesta

by Paola Emilia Rubbi

In Memory of Clara
by Lucia Micito

Friends of Cavazza
Honorary Committee

Editorial Staff
Paola Emilia Rubbi

Chief Editor:
Antonio Marchello

Editorial Secretary:
Maura De Angelis

Mario Barbuto, Federico Bartolomei, Alberto Borghi, Pier Michele Borra, Rodolfo Cattani, Maurizio Cocchi, Silvia Colombini, Ernesto Dini, Maria Chiara Mazzi, Irene Schiff

Graphic Design:
Graphical Production:
Virtual Coop
Cooperativa Sociale O.N.L.U.S.
Viale Lenin, 55 - 40138 Bologna

Galeati Industrie Grafiche s.r.l.
Via Selice, 187/189 - 40026
Imola (Bo)

Picture of a Labrador puppy

Picture of an airplane landing

Picture of two little girls touching a work of art in bas relief