Lunetta Park

Creating an integration model encompassing inclusion and the understanding of diversity.
Lucilla Boschi

"Lunetta Park. Education, Culture and Territory" is a pilot project focused on the creation of an innovative and replicable socio-educational integration model which is supported by the social enterprise Con I Bambini as part of the Battle Against Child Poverty in Education Fund. The project stemmed from the collaboration between the Cooperativa Sociale Archilabò, the Istituto Comprensivo n. 21, the S. Stefano District of the Municipality of Bologna and ten other partners who have been operating in the area for years to offer educational and cultural services, including the Istituto dei Ciechi Francesco Cavazza. The project is school-centred with an integrated intervention involving students, families, teachers, educators and citizens to enable the social and relational capital of the territory and create a model of socio-educational integration, following a reflection on educative approaches involving inclusion and the understanding of diversity which increasingly characterizes our society today. Within this project, the Cavazza Institute participates in three actions:

The logo of the initiative - Bologna

Integrated interventions on visual impairments, in which classroom interventions during school time by a psychologist, an educator and a studio teacher are planned in order to bring awareness to the children of lower secondary school on the issue of visual disability through activities and workshops, and the development of a school kit to support teachers; 

- Inclusive play, where weekly workshop activities in extracurricular hours in which primary school children can experiment with play activities using different materials accompanied by educators from both the Cavazza Instite and the Gualandi Foundation for the deaf;

- New innovative pedagogical models: teacher and educator training, in which teacher are trained on the subject of digital accessibility to documents, for the creation of a library of digital books.

In addition, a workshop is being designed on illustrating books and how to make them accessible to children with visual disabilities, in order for peers to share images.

The labs of the initiative - Bologna

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