Sixth Edition of Showdown

The National Tournament Two Towers of Bologna took place at the Istituto Cavazza: one hundred games simultaneously played on seven tables.
Alberto Borghi

On February 6th and 7th, the sixth edition of the national tournament of showdown "Two Towers of Bologna" took place in Bologna's Institute for the Blind Francesco Cavazza. The object of this paralympic sport is to bat the ball off the side wall, along the table, under the centre screen, and into the opponent's goal. The popularity of the game is increasing, both domestically and internationally. The tournament "Two Towers of Bologna" is now known as a mid-sporting season traditional event whose success is confirmed in terms of the number of registered athletes as well as the quality of the event organization and the management of its rich calendar of games. The first match began at 2 p.m. on Friday, February 6th, and the winners were declared such at noon on Sunday, after more than a hundred games simultaneously played on seven tables.

The competing male and female athletes, members of organizations in Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Tuscany, Lazio, Sicily and Puglia, participated in individual matches to reach national classification for the 2014-15 season. This is why all of the games were fought in the constant echo of hissing balls hitting the paddles or the walls of the playing field, the first smooth and gentle hits becoming more darting and violent strokes, aiming for the win. If of course fair play remains part of the game of showdown, the desire to win and beat the opponent is palpable, as in any proper competitive context. The sport brings forth an educational value and a competitive spirit that, in accordance with the agreed rules, push athletes to do their best to win, beyond the limits that the body can impose, in each of us. If in principle the game is filled with pure competitive spirit, over time skills necessarily take the upper hand, thanks to the experience that teaches how to measure strengths, locate the position of the ball in the field, and to "feel" the opponent's goal.

6th Single Showdown Tournament "Two Towers of Bologna" - February 6-8, 2015

In the male category, the tournament "Two Towers of Bologna" was won by the man who held the season standings position, Marco Ferrigno, the leader of the house, registered with A.S.D.P.A.T. Bologna. He had to fight hard against his strong opponent, however, Luca Liberali, of G.S.D. of Milan. In a final heart-pounding game, with constantly changing scores, Ferrigno won the day by winning by 3-2 in an unforgettable fifth and decisive set. In third place was Milanese Maurizio Scarso who avenged his own club, defeating his Bolognese opponent Luigi Abate.

In the female category, Chiara Di Liddo won in a derby against her opponent Graziana Mauro, from A.S.D. UICI of Bari, with a clear 3-0. On the lowest step of the podium Bolognese Angela Zini got the better of Francesca Buttitta from Florence. This was definitely a great sporting success and an opportunity for people to be together. This will no doubt translate into a greater number of registrations next year and consequently to greater challenges for the organizers. They have shown great skills and know-how equal to those of the athletes they are called to celebrate.