Consultation Days

As part of the initiatives organized last October by the Ancient Bolognese Institutions, the Istituto Cavazza's history and activities were showcased in the hall of the Prefecture of Bologna.
Pier Michele Borra

The Istituto Cavazza has been a member of the Consortium of Bologna's Ancient Institutions since its foundation and, in 2017, President Elio De Leo and Vice-President Pier Michele Borra were elected by the assembly of the Consortium to be members of the Board. These past two years, the Consortium has launched and implemented a series of initiatives including the Consortium's open-house event (usually taking place yearly in May); the Consortium's days of consultation (taking place in early October).


This year on October 10th, during the days of consultation, was inaugurated the 18-day exhibition The Sign of the Cross organized by the Francesco Francia Association in the eleventh Chapel of San Petronio. On the same day, took place in the Manica Lunga Room of the Palazzo d'Accursio the documentary and photographic exhibition of the 22 Institutions currently forming the Consortium. On Thursday, October 11th, in the hall of the Prefecture of Bologna, in the presence of the Prefect and of the Primicerius of the Basilica of San Petronio representing the Curia of Bologna, three Institutions presented their history and their activities, namely the Compagnia Militare dei Lombardi, l'Opera Pia dell’Immacolata, and our own Istituto Francesco Cavazza. Vice-President Borra briefly illustrated three key moments in our history, the foundation of the Institute, the great results achieved by Augusto Romagnoli who, with two diplomas from the University of Bologna, elaborated a thesis on the education of the blind defining a pivotal point in the education of young blind Italian people, and the great role that the Institute has played in the twentieth century, allowing many blind youth to complete their studies and graduate in our city.


The Institute's department leads then illustrated the current activities aimed at the inclusion of people living with vision loss in today's society. Federico Bartolomei spoke about low vision and the aids to improve the living conditions of visually impaired people; Paola Gamberini illustrated the role of the counselling and support services focused on fostering school inclusion of blind youth with or without other disabilities and supporting their families; Sabato De Rosa talked about technological research and the commitment of the Institute for the validation and assessment of the various technological aids available today; Loretta Secchi presented Anteros, the tactile museum of ancient and modern art, and the training activities taking place there to allow blind and visually impaired youth to acquire knowledge about art; and, finally, Lucilla Boschi showcased the activities and contents of the Tolomeo Museum, focusing on the history of the Institute and promoting the social inclusion of people living with vision loss.


Poster of the event

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