Non-discrimination, Accessibility, Participation
by Rodolfo Cattani
The new European Union Structural Funds open up to persons with disabilities.
With the adoption
of the new Structural Funds 2007-2013, the European Union proposes to carry on
the strategic policies designed to tackle regional disparities across the
EU and contribute to growth,
competitiveness and employment. The new Funds cover a seven-year cycle from 2007
to 2013. EU regions were subdivided
into three areas, based on their GDP (gross domestic product) of the
European average according to three specific objectives:
- Convergence: Regions with a per capita Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) less than 75% of the EU-25 average will qualify under the
convergence objective; to
this will be assigned at least 78% of the total amount of the funds;
Competitiveness: This area will
concern regional competitiveness and employment; to the regions involved in this
objective will be assigned at least 18% of the total amount of the
- Cooperation: The
objective is to strenghten cross-border territorial cooperation in the EU; it
foresees the allocation of funds to States through the Cohesion
For all these objectives, resources of Structural Funds will be
used for infrastructures such as highways, schools, hospitals, communications
development, transportation, new technologies, etc.; other initiatives will be
funded in order to promote employment and social inclusion.
Structural Funds are:
- the
European Social Fund is the main instrument for the development of employment
and social inclusion within the European Union.
Its actions revolve around the
development of strategies for education, professional training, the promotion of
employment and social inclusion. This fund is traditionally used for
initiatives concerning persons with disabilities, and numerous references to
them and their families are made in the articles of the Regulation, particularly
in regards to social exclusion and access to employment;
- the European Fund for Regional Development
funds the development of infrastructures of state members of the EU.
The goals of this fund
depend on the objective of the concerned region. "Convergence" (research, technological
development; information society; environment; tourism; culture;
transportation; energy; education; health and social
"Competitiveness" (innovation and
knowledge economy; environment and risk prevention; access to
transportation and telecommunication services). "Cooperation" (cross-border activities
with an economic, environmental and social character; cross-border
cooperation; strenghtening of regional policies).
- the Cohesion Fund concerns mostly projects
in relation to transportation and environment for countries with a
GDP below 90% of the European average. The fund can co-finance up to 85% of the
amount of projects.
Structural Funds are the most important financial instrument of the EU intended
to stimulate social and economic development and they represent nearly 35%
of the annual budget of the Union, that is 43 billions of Euro. Contrary to the
previous cycle (2000-2006), the new one foresees precise standards to insure
that co-financed projects by the Union in the state members, for the development
and implementation of new infrastructures and services, take into consideration
the needs of persons with disabilities. The state members have to include
representatives of the civil society, therefore organizations representing
persons with disabilities (ORPD) in the planning and monitoring of the use of
the funds, like in reports submitted to the European Commission.
Funds co-finance numerous projects at the national and regional levels in the
most varied sectors, from city planning, to infrastructures, to transportation,
to education and to professional
training, to culture and, of course, to employment. Persons with disabilities
are one of the main groups targeted by the actions in the training and
employment sector. The new Regulation of funds establishes that projects for
which co-financing is required by the EU have to respect the basic principles of
non-discrimination on the basis of disability and the full accessibility on the
part of persons with disabilities, a nullifying criteria for co-financing. The
fight against discrimination of persons with disabilities must reach across
every co-financed action. Accessibility by persons with
disabilities has to be guaranteed in all public participation
The new Regulation represents an incredible step forward for
organizations representing persons with disabilities because, unlike before,
these now have the right to participate in the management of funds. However,
this historical achievement will be made real only if organizations representing
persons with disabilities act opportunely with a well-planned strategy, possibly
coordinated at the European level in order to strenghten its efficiency in those countries where
there could be unjustified resistance.
involvement of ORPDs will have relevent repercussions on national and regional
policies in single countries, given the importance of the fundings involved,
especially in the less developed regions. Participation is therefore a key
element in reaching concrete results.
The European Commission has adopted the
Community Strategic Guidelines
for Cohesion which contain the objectives of the Structural Funds.
Formulation must take into account the national guidelines in various states.
The guidelines recall on many occasions the principles of non-discrimination and
accessibility for each transversal objective, particularly in relation to the
Operative Programs that state members must adopt for the allocation of funds at the
national and regional levels.
In order to get things going with the
Structural Funds, state members have to elaborate the National Strategic Reference
Framework that will underpin allocation and distribution of
Structural Funds in respect to the guidelines set by the European Commission.
Finally, the European Commission and state members have to sign formal
agreements. These are the Operative Programs, legally bounding, that indicate
the context of the program, the goals, the objectives, the priorities, the
measures to annotate, the monitoring and the funding conditions. Programs can be
sectorial or thematic, regional or local. The procedures of adoption of the
Strategic Framework and the Operative Programs are in the
stages of development and ORPDs have to be involved in their predisposition in
order to ensure that funding will be allocated for specific actions concerning
persons with disabilities, according to the priorities they will have set
themselves in the various countries, and to also ensure that the main projects
that interest directly or indirectly persons with disabilities (such as the
development of infrastructures, services, transportation, education) will
involve persons with disabilities and be fully accessible.
ORPDs have
to make sure that they are not only involved in projects regarding employment and social security,
but also in projects relating
to other areas such as the European Fund for Regional Development and the
Cohesion Fund. In order to do this, they have to be part of management and
monitoring committees to examine results and the specific impact of Operative
Every operative program will have its management and monitoring
From what is written here, it appears clearly that the new
Regulation of the Structural Funds offers persons with disabilities exceptional
opportunities to be heard and to participate actively and in real terms in the
programming of social policies that are most likely to lead
to important results for their integration into the workforce and their
social inclusion. On the other
hand, this is an incredible challenge with complex, vast and new
commitments to respect. It will not be easy for ORPDs to address this challenge,
but it is not possible to give it up and quite worth it to try.