Writers at Cavazza

by Stefania De Salvador

"Senti chi legge" (Listen to who is reading) conferences with writers from Tuesday, September 22nd to Tuesday, December 1st, 2009.

The event "Senti chi legge" promoted by the Istituto Cavazza in collaboration with the Associazione Zerogikappa and the Melbookstore library began last September 22nd with Loriano Macchiavello, one of the most well known and most read Italian authors.
Four important authors read excerpts from their own novels: Loriano Macchiavelli, Marcello Fois, Milena Magnani and Emidio Clementi.
Each author read and commented on extracts from their own books. Loriano Macchiavelli read various passages from his lastest novel

Delitti di gente qualunque (Mondadori). He told numerous entertaining anecdotes about his activities as an author and talked about the "life" of the character from his main series: sergeant Antonio Sarti from Bologna's police headquarters whom we find also in his lasted novel.
The next conference took place on Tuesday, October 27th, with Marcello Fois who published a new novel entitled Stirpe now in libraries; it takes place in Sardegna at the end of the nineteenth century. Then on Tuesday, November 17, Milena Magnani, a Bolognese author, talked about her latest novel, Il circo capovolto (Feltrinelli) which is translated in many languages and takes place in gipsy camps tells "a story of circus and war, of acrobats and death camps".

The closing conference was on Tuesday December 1st and instead of the usual venue of the Bentivoglio Hall of the Istituto Cavazza, it took place at the Belbookstore of via Rizzoli 18 in Bologna, with Emidio Clementi. Author and also founder and singer in the rock group Massimo Volume, Emidio Clementi read from his latest novel entitled Matilde e i suoi tre padri (Rizzoli 2009).
All conferences were free and broadcasted in direct on Radio Oltre, the Web radio of the Istituto Cavazza www.radiooltre.it.